1 Design a web crawler

  • 首先把网络抽象一个无向图,网页为节点.
  • 抓取算法, BFS, 可以根据Priority 做优化
  • 网络模型, 可以利用服务器空闲时间,来异步抓取数据,减少线程切换所造成的消耗
  • 对于一些新闻网页,做Count 过滤
  • 根据网页的更新信息来判断下一次

Needs: How many web pages? how long? how large?

  1. crawl 1.6m web pages per second

○ 1 trillion web pages

○ crawl all of them every week

  1. 10p (petabyte) web page storage

○ average size of a web page: 10k

Regular Expression


Use producer and cosumer parttern

Can use a blockingQueue to implment that.

2 Inverted index


2 Typeahead

results matching ""

    No results matching ""